Within the harsh and unforgiving realm of the Exiled Lands, where might and cunning dictate the chances of survival, there stand enigmatic figures who seek dominion not through blade or brawn, but through the cryptic powers of the mystical arcane. These individuals, known as Arcanists, are both feared and revered for their extraordinary command over forces that defy the understanding of ordinary men.
The Essence of Arcanistry
To be an Arcanist is to walk a path shrouded in secrecy and laden with danger. These practitioners delve deep into ancient knowledge and the occult, studying the fabric of existence and the underlying forces that bind the cosmos. They wield spells that can both mend flesh and rend it asunder, bend minds, and even challenge the barriers between worlds.
The rigorous discipline of arcanistry is not merely the casting of spells but encapsulates the relentless pursuit of forbidden lore hidden within lost scrolls, artifacts of unimaginable power, and enigmatic ruins that predate the known civilizations of man. An Arcanist’s library is a trove of eldritch writings and grimoires, often written in the arcane script understood only by those initiated into the deeper mysteries.
Arcane Sources and Practices
The raw material of an Arcanist’s power is drawn from various natural and supernatural sources. The elementals of earth, water, fire, and air, the celestial energies of the sun, moon, and stars, and even the darker realms that lie beyond mortal ken provide the energies that Arcanists shape with precision and intent.
In “Conan Exiles,” sorcery is a recent weave in the tapestry of skills available to an exile. It embodies the predatory exchange with the very life essence of its practitioner and those around them. To regale in the sorcerous arts, an Arcanist must embrace the very elements of decay and revival, calling forth minions from the remnants of the dead and harnessing the corrupt forces of dark magic.
The use of arcane implements—staffs, wands, orbs, and talismans—allows an Arcanist to channel their energies more effectively, each carefully crafted to resonate with specific magical frequencies and amplify the Arcanist’s inherent power. Ritual sites, marked by signs and symbols arcane, lie scattered in the wilderness, serving as nexus points where an Arcanist may commune with energies ancient and profound.
The Path of the Arcanist
Not all who start down the road to becoming an Arcanist will reach its end. The process is arduous, fraught with immediate peril and the lingering threat of corruption. To wield such power is to invite the scrutinous gaze of things best left undisturbed, to battle with entities that seek entrance into the world through the very energies summoned.
Yet the rewards for those who persevere can be beyond imagining. Arcanists gain access to a pantheon of abilities that can alter the landscape of any battle, provide conveniences otherwise unattainable, or bring to bear doom upon their adversaries.
In the social hierarchy of the Exiled Lands, Arcanists often occupy a dual role of sage and weapon—a source of wisdom in interpreting the mysteries of this ancient land and as potent allies or terrible foes, depending on the alliances they forge and the aims that drive them.
An Arcanist’s power is bound by the knowledge they possess and the will they exert over the arcane. Their lore is as much a shield as it is a sword, and their journey is perpetual, pushing ever-forward for the next vestige of lost knowledge or the uncovering of a new strand of power. For those brave or foolhardy enough to seek out the mantle of an Arcanist in the Exiled Lands, the path is perilous, but for the mastery of the arcane, the potential rewards are limitless.
~The Arcanist~