In the tumultuous environment of the Exiled Lands, an ancient conflict rages between the House of Harakhti and the Stygians. This conflict is an eternal clash of power, force, and ambition. The Stygians, a formidable people known for their mastery of dark arts and mind manipulation, have their covetous eyes set upon the realms of the House of Harakhti. Their insidious intent is to subjugate the Ta people, the inhabitants of the Harakhti realms, in a relentless campaign of domination that started with the defeat and fall of the Serpent Men.
The Stygians, driven by their insatiable hunger for wealth and power, launch audacious attacks. They employ their sorcerers to transport their war parties and legions, unleashing unparalleled destruction. Stealthy assassins and sinister sorcerers infiltrate the lands of their victims, attempting to sow discord and weaken their defenses from within.
But, the House of Harakhti, proud and resilient, is not so easily conquered. Their sorcerers, renowned for their martial prowess, repel the Stygian onslaught with the power of the Outer Dark and pure indefatigability. The House of Harakhti is known for producing exceptional archers with demonic skills. It is said that the Harakhti Arcanists perform a ritual before battle that makes them extremely formidable for any enemy.
Both factions vie for strategic control, battling in the scorched deserts and ancient ruins that dot the lands. Harakhti Arcanists strike at Stygian caravans, plundering their riches and disrupting their supply lines. The Stygian Hands of War are deployed with their legions of warriors to attack the Harakhti realm with great force.
As the conflict persists, the House of Harakhti rallies neighboring tribes and nations to join their cause, forming a formidable alliance against the encroaching Stygians. These diverse forces, united by their shared desire to repel the Stygian invaders, forge an unwavering front in the face of darkness.
And so, the war between the House of Harakhti and the Stygians rages on, an ongoing struggle for survival, freedom, and the preservation of the Ta people’s way of life. The outcome of this epic clash hangs in the balance, and only time will reveal the victor in this battle of swords, sorcery, and unyielding determination.
~The Arcanist~