Along with the myriad of factions loyal to the Stygian cause, are the Set Followers, the most reverent of Set. They despise the House of Harakhti because the Kor Atenubi Taharakhti has subjugated their god, which is an extreme blasphemy punishable by death. The Set Followers have arrived on the Isle of Siptah, seeking the blood and wealth of the House of Harakhti. However, such a pursuit is sure to have profound consequences. In this episode, the House of Harakhti is taking action on information from their spies within the ranks of Prince Kraxus’ forces. A small cadre of Set Followers is set to arrive in a southeastern camp on the Isle of Dawn. Their arrival must be interrupted by a timely demise in order to send a resounding message to Prince Kraxus… the House of Harakhti is inevitable.